UC Irvine Beall Center for Art + Technology, with Getty PST Art: Art & Science Collide
The AlloSphere Team wants to thank everyone that visited us to experience Sketches of Sensorium in 2024. The demand to experience the exhibition has exceeded all expectations.
Additional exhibition times & dates for 2025 - January, February, March, & April will be announced in early 2025
Sketches of Sensorium - Dr. JoAnn Kuchera-Morin
Through interactive, Immersive Visualization and Sonification of these complex systems we may be able to come to terms with which directions are the most intelligent and wisest to pursue for a healthier united world. Working with these systems for climate change will advocate for climate justice.
Kuchera-Morin, JoAnn. Sketches of Sensorium @ the AlloSphere. 04 September 2024.
Sketches of Sensorium - Excerpts 2022 - 2024
Director Joshua Harrison
Sketches for Sensorium showcases core elements of the late environmental artist Newton Harrison’s (1932 - 2022) long-term project, Sensorium for the World Ocean. It will premiere at the AlloSphere as a satellite to the UC Irvine Beall Center for Art and Technology’s forthcoming exhibition, Future Tense: Art, Complexity, and Uncertainty, produced in partnership with the 2024 Getty PST Art: Art and Science Collide initiative. The installation will incorporate immersive audio and visual scientific climate and ocean health data provided by the Ocean Health Index of the Halpern Lab at the Bren School of Environmental Science & Management.
Sketches for Sensorium is a project of the Center for the Study of the Force Majeure in collaboration with Virtual Planet Technologies, Almost Human Media, and the AlloSphere Research Group. It will premiere with an original spatialized composition and an interactive data world, following Newton’s wish to impart a sense of hope to audiences.
... AlloSphere Series Blends Science, Art to Illustrate Human Impacts to Climate, Ocean Health
... Immersive ocean health project premieres at UCSB’s AlloSphere as part of Getty PST ART
Director JoAnn Kuchera-Morin - UCSB Exhibition Overview
Quotes (Selected) - Helen and Newton Harrison
... Webpage link
Important: Additional Exhibition times and dates for 2025 along with a new closing symposium event at the AD&A Museum will be announced
Please select the preferred exhibition date to visit the Allosphere and view Sketches of Sensorium from the choices provided in the link above.
Soft Opening Event - Saturday, August 24th 2024
Director Joshua Harrison
AlloSphere Research Facility @ the California NanoSystems Institute (Elings Hall) UCSB, SB, CA
Take Ward Memorial Boulevard (Highway #217) to the main entrance of UCSB.
The building immediately in front of you with the Kandinsky graphic is the California NanoSystems Institute (Elings Hall). Bear right before the traffic circle. Quickly get into the left lane and turn left at signal into Parking Structure 10.
Find a visitor parking space (marked Coastal Access on the lower levels) and follow the instructions to obtain a parking permit from the vending machine, marked in red on the map below. Enter the California NanoSystems Institute, at the entrance adjacent to the parking garage.
Take the stairs or elevator to the second floor and enter the AlloSphere in room 2621.
The Center for the Force Majeure - CFM
AlloSphere Research Team & Collaborators - AlloSphere
Virtual Planet Technologies LLC - Virtual Planet
Almost Human Media - AHM
Immersive Media Design Lab - IMD
UC Irvine Beall Center for Art + Technology - BEALL
The Beall Center for Art + Technology is a gallery and research facility located in the Claire Trevor School of the Arts at the University of California, Irvine, that presents a diverse range of artists engaging interactivity and emerging media forms. Since opening in 2000, the Beall Center has investigated new relationships between the arts, sciences, and society, and has facilitated collaborations between visiting artists and research practitioners through its Black Box Projects residency program. The Beall Center serves as an exploratory forum, a site of discovery between the laboratory, studio, and museum.
What would it be like if we could ask the ocean a question. If we could ask it? How it's feeling? If it could answer us in ways that are beyond the simple level of data that we normally look at... What would it be like if we could put that question and the answers in a three-dimensional space. (By Joshua Harrison)
Sensorium for the World Ocean is a work of art and science, a multi-sensory immersive installation that sets out to directly address the survival problems the world ocean faces as temperatures continue to rise.
Sketches of Sensorium is part of the UC Irvine Beall Center’s 2024 Getty PST exhibition, Future Tense: Art, Complexity, and Uncertainty.
A Parralel Exhibition titled " " will be exhibited at the Beall Center for Art + Technology & the Experimental Media Performance Lab (xMPL) at University of California, Irvine (UCI).
Sketches of Sensorium is a partnership between The Center for the Study of The Force Majeure at UCSC, the AlloSphere Research Laboratory at UCSB, and the Beall Center for Art and Technology at UCI.
Our content partners include Virtual Planet Technologies and Almost Human Media.
Reshaping how we comprehend & address the repercussions of climate change on the world ocean.
THE TIME OF THE FORCE MAJEURE After 45 Years Counterforce is on the Horizon
Helen Mayer Harrison, Newton Harrison, edited and designed by Petra Kruse & Kai Reschke
To learn more about the history and the main issues of the Center of the Force Majeure read the book on Helen and Newton Harrison’s work.
As it is out of print now we are making the book accessible as a donation to everybody who is interested.
Special thanks to the Harrison family & the Center for the Study of the Force Majeure